How to analyse a social media campaign

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Know your objectives Before you can identify the success of your social media campaign, you’ll need to know what you’re looking for. Different social media metrics correlate to different goals, usually like this: Generate awareness If your social media campaign objective is to generate brand awareness, key metrics will be reach, profile visits and follows. […]

SEO for location-based businesses

A guide to build an SEO strategy for location based businesses

Different businesses require different types and levels of SEO activity, dependent on a number of factors. One of these key factors is whether you operate locally, nationally or internationally – if you’re an online retailer who ships worldwide, local SEO probably won’t be your priority. If, however, you are a tradesman covering a specific part […]

8 marketing mistakes new businesses make

Common marketing mistakes new businesses make and how to avoid them

At Patch we’ve seen, prevented and solved the same common marketing mistakes for over ten years. When it comes to starting a new business, marketing can be a minefield: we’ve shared the most common mistakes new businesses make and how you can avoid them yourself. Targeting ‘everyone’ You want as many new customers as possible, […]